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Frequently Asked Questions to LCA


1. What are the safety protocols? We will have a security guard on campus during school hours. We have security cameras around our campus as well as inside our buildings. Exterior doors are locked and students and visitors must be “buzzed” in by staff.  Classroom doors are also closed and locked when class is in session.  We have monthly fire, tornado, and lockdown drills to prepare our students and staff for any campus emergency. Random metal detecting screenings for staff and students. All visitors and tardy students will be metal detected. 

2. What are the school hours? Arrival begins at 7:30am, instructional time begins at 8:00am, lunch is

11-11:30am, and dismissal begins at 2:30pm.

3. Does LCA plan to be accredited? Yes, we plan to be accredited as soon as the state is ready to review the school in full session. 

4. Do the families pay the same fees each year? At this time, the fees are the same for each year.

5. What is the plan and timeline for adding new grade levels? K-2 for the Fall of 2023 and 3-5 will be added in the Fall of 2024. The overall plan is to be K-12.

6. What is the teacher-to-student ratio? 18:2

7. If families have PreK students and LCA students, do they qualify for a multi-sibling discount? Yes, the second child will receive a 3% discount, third or more students will receive a 5% discount. 

8. Do we have before and after-school care available? Yes for LCA students and staff only, $12 per day, per child. 

9. Are your teachers qualified? Yes, all teachers must have an NC state certification in their teaching field. 

10. How will lunch be handled? All students are required to bring their lunch and a mid-morning snack daily with the exception of Fun Friday Lunch. Fun Fridays are when food can be ordered from various Lincoln County Vendors.

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