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“Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
the word of truth.” II Timothy 2:15

Various teaching methods and resources are used to provide an exciting, challenging, and fun learning environment based on LCA curriculum standards.


We encourage innovation and creativity in the classrooms. Our early childhood program provides outside play, learning centers, music with movement, and hands-on manipulatives to help the student grow and develop fine and gross motor skills.


Elementary students receive instruction in various core subjects such as math, language arts, science, social studies, and Bible; and enrichment classes such as music, physical education, visual arts, and MakerSpace/technology.


Standards-Based Learning is...

  • instruction, assessment, and grading based on students demonstrating understanding or mastery of the knowledge and skills they are expected to learn.

  • having written descriptions displayed of what students are expected to know and be able to do at a specific grade.

  • teachers working collaboratively to determine how and what to teach students so they achieve learning expectations described in the standards.

  • to ensure that students acquire essential knowledge and skills to succeed in school, higher education, careers, and adult life.

  • ensuring students meet learning goals. If students do not meet expected learning standards, they may receive additional instruction, practice time, and other academic support to help them meet the learning expectations described in the standards.

Standards-Based learning is used because...

  • standards set clear and measurable goals.

  • student learning becomes transparent.

  • the focus is placed on learning.

  • learners evolve into confident, reflective, and self-aware students.

  • classrooms become student-centered and rich with vulnerability and risk-taking.

  • classrooms change from a culture of compliance to a culture of learning.

( Education Inc., 2020; Heflebower et al., 2014; Heflebower et al., 2019; Stalets, M., 2018)

Your student is learning when...

  • they can incorporate and demonstrate their learning through authentic tasks.

  • they can monitor their own progress and set future learning goals using timely feedback from their teachers.

  • they can show a gradual progression of skills based on the proficiency scales.

(Benson & Lantz, 2012; Heflebower et al., 2019)


Standards-based learning differs from traditional learning by ...

  • Traditional learning teachers design lessons to present content to students they expect them to learn, and standards-based learning teachers design lessons to teach and assess the content by standards.

  • Traditional learning focuses on the teacher, standards-based learning focuses on student learning.

  • Traditional learning emphasizes performance and work and is productivity-driven, whereas standards-based learning emphasizes what students know and how they use that knowledge.

Grading Scale:

  • Excels (4)

  • Proficient (3)

  • Approaching Proficiency (2)

  • Well Below Proficiency or Not Yet (1)

Expected Student Outcomes

We expect Lincoln Christian Academy students to grow to:

  • be honest and respectful toward others.

  • be fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ and develop a Christian worldview and be able to defend their faith.

  • be academically prepared for the college or career of their choice.

  • be responsible, productive citizens in the community.

  • possess the critical thinking skills, creativity, and confidence to handle opportunities and adversities.

  • honor God by demonstrating the character of Christ in all areas of everyday life.

  • become servant leaders and treat others with kindness consistently.

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